February 5 is Lesha's birthday. This year he would have turned 42. As always, on this day, all the people close to Alexey remembered him and shared their memories. We learned that a book of his texts will be published very soon -
And in the evening, there was a call in which Alexey's friends shared their memories of him.
Participants shared previously unknown photos of Alexey, here they are -
12.15.2024 On the eve of the two years of the most mournful event, I made an attempt to place an article about Alexei in a risk -language Wikipedia. (Belarusian -language Wikipedia, unfortunately, is not available for editing for a long time). Unfortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful, since the main editors of Wikipedia are very far from culture and any manifestation of feelings to the subject of the article is considered advertising. From this, the value of Russian -speaking Wikipedia fell greatly in my eyes.
In the forest near the village of Belaya Tserkov, amazingly looking singing trees have appeared. Incomprehensible sounds from the speakers, colored installations, canisters on the branches. What is this? The singing trees are part of the Sprava memorial project Its author is Matvey Saburov, the man who gave us the now iconic Sprava festival. Sad Orchestra already has trees dedicated to the memory of the famous drummer Artem Zalessky, avant-garde guitarist Leonid Narushevich, and director and theater critic Alexey Strelnikov.
Alexey loved to travel, and the photographs sent by his friend illustrate this side of Alyosha's life. They date back to the period 2004-2006 and were mostly taken during hitchhiking trips around Europe.
All the photos can be seen in the "Photo Gallery" section, here is the link:
Belarusian Theater Institute ( right to online discussion in memory of Aliaksei Strelnikav.
This is what the shelter for Alexey's body looks like now.
And HIS soul is in our hearts.
I will express, perhaps, a very controversial thought, but it seems to me that the main fundamental thoughts about life and its alternative have already been written. And all that remains for us is to try to express what has already been said in our own words. Not many succeed in this better than in the original source.
There is a war of non-existent enemies.
Candles burn in churches for the murdered.
Pray, and perhaps there will be a little less fools
In the country without a family.
But for now, hundreds of women are covered
In the banners of black, mourning scarves.Light the candles, let the bells fall silent,
Light the candles, stop the clock,
Light the candles on a day when there is so much evil in the world,
That even God has hidden his face from us.
Light the candles when a mother buries her son,
Light the candles when there is a war outside the windows,
When we have all gone mad, but God has not abandoned us yet,
Light the candles.
I suppose I could say it shorter and brighter, but I can't do it. Maybe you can.
Everyone who was closely acquainted with Alexey knows that Vadim Alekseevich Saleev was Alexey’s first teacher and then mentor. Today is Vadim Alekseevich's birthday. Alexey always treated Vadim Alekseevich with great warmth and respect. Today we, people close to Alexey, want to congratulate Vadim Alekseevich Saleev on his 85th birthday and wish him health and great creative success.
14.02.2024 г.
Roman Zimberov Publishing house has published the first book "Inside Words: an anthology of modern Belarusian drama" in the series "Arrows of Silence" dedicated to the memory of Alexei Strelnikov. From the opening words: "This book was born as an echo of never tired steps. Creative search, striving forward, which even the last step could not stop ― towards eternity. I immediately remember how sensitively, emancipatedly and naturally, and at the same time theoretically verified, professionally, Alexey Strelnikov spoke about plays and performances. How sincerely his eyes lit up in response to the attempts of the authors and performers to say a new word about the harsh social reality and dream, about the search for self-identity and the place of his generation in history. But the point, perhaps, is not even the novelty. Alexey was able to hear everything that was born of enthusiasm, inspiration by art – a special sphere that does not oppose everyday life, but organically complements it, coloring the anxious, acutely social, sick in kaleidoscopic tones. Bringing it all into a new dimension with unconditional faith in a person, surprisingly delicate."
05.02.2024 г.
Today, everyone who cared about Alexey will undoubtedly remember that today he could have turned 41 years old. Today, as the closest relatives, we visited Alexey's last resting place. We were pleasantly surprised by the fresh flowers on his grave. Many thanks to everyone who remembers Alexey and grieves with us about his premature passing. In tribute to his memory, I would like to publish his poems written in 2011.<.h5>
It is important to stop
at the moment when God is born to you ...
it is not necessary to pray, it is enough to remember the face those who once helped you.
whoever is sitting inside you,
freezing with fear, sticking with disgust, pushing you to do nasty things,
it is at this moment
that you will be able to arrange with him.
you, as well as everyone around you,
will then be returned to the track of life in order to roll on to who knows where and why.
but that will be later.
Now smile through what's rolling out of your eye.
10.01.2024 It took some time before the information on our website was updated. I apologize to all visitors to our site. The anniversary of the loss of a loved one is a sad date and it carries nothing but negativity for me. Therefore, the anniversary of the loss of his son I'm not going to celebrate, and if I had the power, I would even celebrate this date I excluded it from the calendar. December 17 did not go unnoticed by people close to Alexei.And at that time, a number of events dedicated to this unfortunate date took place. If We have information about noteworthy events, it will be published. In the meantime, I would like to present to your attention Alexey's publication dedicated to Svetlana Ben.This 2009 publication seems to me to have been written yesterday. And it's all about Alexey. The summary of this publication was especially hooked: "The theater begins to excite me when I see or feel that people are really interested in what they are doing, when they have something to say, when they don't care if they are understood. Even if what I see is unclear to me, distant or unpleasant. Agitation and indifference are contagious things. Alexey Strelnikov. The article itself is published on our website. Here is the link: IGEL, WURMER UND ANDERE GEGENSTANDE
Back in the spring, an article by Elena Lepisheva was published in the magazine "Verb"
The article was written at a good professional level, so it took some time to comprehend its place on our site. It was decided to create a separate section for the publication of articles assessing the role of A.Strelnikov in Belarusian theater studies. Many thanks to Elena for evaluating Alexey's contribution to the development of the Belarusian theater.
THANK you so much, Hanna, for your kind words and attitude towards Alexey.
Belarusian poet Anna Komar this year released a poetry collection "Plantain" (Ribwort). It has a dedication to Lesha Strelnikov.
"I'm a poet, but I've hardly been writing poetry for the last two years. When Lyosha was no longer with us, it was important for me to find the words. So that the pain is not stronger than poetry. This line became a dedication to Lesha in my book. I didn't put dates next to it-just let him be with us."
The book can be found here:
"On September 24, at the Congress of Researchers of Belarus, the panel "Belarusian Dramaturgy and Theater of the 2020s: vectors of development, names, attempts to breathe" was held, dedicated to the memory of Alexey Strelnikov, a venerable colleague, sincere person, friend, leader of the Belarusian artistic underground.
The panel's work consisted of three parts, which reflected both the multifaceted personality of Alexey - a man of "Renaissance beauty" (according to the definition of A. Kiselyov) - and the current problems of modern theatrical and dramatic art in Belarus, the development of which was largely accumulated by creative energy, professionalism and talent of Strelnikov.
The abstracts of researchers from Belarus, Poland, Lithuania were presented, the discussion was coordinated with participation in the formats of - and online, one of the longest and most emotional at the Congress. It was very felt that the participants were interested in consolidation, looking for opportunities to create a space for dialogue and joint creative search.
We sincerely hope that the panel on drama and theater, held for the first time at the Congress, will become such a space, a place for joint work in the field of independent art. This is seen as a special symbolism -the preservation of the memory of Alexey Strelnikov, a man who throughout his life linked different people, combined different roles in the artistic process, took care that everyone's voice was heard."
25.08.2023 г.
What poems did Alexey like? Something like this:(If someone dares to translate these poems into English, send them to the post office and they will be published here immediately.)
Пред Родиной, конечно, неудобно…
Долги, конечно, нужно отдавать…
Но почему она – в уплату долга –
С нас требует кого-то убивать?
И коль у вас пред ней долги такие,
Что даже жизнь – в уплату их – пустяк,
То хочется спросить вас, дорогие,
Зачем же вы одалживались так?
Коль Родина удар наносит сзади,
Да так, что аж в глазах потом круги,
То лучше, дорогие, не влезайте
Вы к этой страшной Родине в долги
(Леонид Филатов)
Today it's been eight months since Lyosha left us. Today we visited the place of his last shelter. For today it looks like this:
We were pleasantly surprised that not only we, the closest people. we visit the last Lesha shelter. Thank you to all of you who remember Alyosha.
06.07.2023 г.
Today, the person closest to Alexey, Alyona Ivanyushenko, has a birthday. All Alexey's relatives congratulate Alyona on her birthday and wish her all the best. We invite all of Alexey's friends to join our congratulations.
17.06.2023 г.
Six months without Alyosha
I found these lines from Alexey, maybe it's his.
what can you wish for the sea?
the sea does not need anything.
the sea doesn't want anything.
the sea appeared without a purpose.
the sea will disappear with everything.
Can I borrow something from the wind?
the wind is only air.
we do not see the wind, but the clouds
of a blizzard, or leaf fall.
wind and sea create waves.
this beauty will always be in my heart.
I wish you praise.
To aba that was to break into pieces
Alexey Strelnikov with Maryanna Saleeva.
June 15, 2019 ·
as a child, I had such a terrible disease that I had to eat earth three times a day, otherwise I would have died.
I was lucky that my older sister taught me what to do.
p.s. happy birthday, Marishka!