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Alexey Karpeko asked me to write 10 books that changed me.
Thank God, no one offers me to pour myself, otherwise I cough and have a fever.
Books can always be written.
And I will give this flash mob to only one Alena Ivanyushenko,
because only she will take care of me this painful week.
"Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy
"The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A. Pushkin
"The Rook of Despair" by V. Korotkevich
"The Centaur" by J. Updike
"The Catcher in the Rye" J.Salinger
"Compromise" S. Dovlatov
"Plasticine" V. Sigarev
"The Dissolute Old Woman" B. Brecht
"Psychosis 4.48" S. Kane
""The Pheasant Hunter" V. Saroyan