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The thirties of the last century in Belarusian literature.

(Lecture delivered by A.Strelnikov in the course of BSU BelLit)

A notable detail. The second half of the thirties is often presented in biographies, as a rule, vaguely - not by years, but by a period of five or more years. For example, in Petrus Brovka, this period is not marked by anything at all. However, for the poet, business is more important than office - in the 37th he publishes the collection "Spring of the Motherland".

Vitaly Volsky also has this period. Although it is said that until the 36th year he worked as the director of the Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Subsequently, in the 43rd, the former chekist Volsky works as the head of the department in the newspaper "crush the fascist hour". Between the two nomenclature positions - 7 years, probably creative work-plays, translations...

There is no 37th year in the biography of Kondrat Krapiva, who until the 36th was the head of the department in the magazine "flame of the revolution". The next line of the biography is marked 39th. Two versions of these biographical failures are as follows-either they were hiding somewhere in dachas and villages, since everyone was afraid of repression at that time, or later biographers hid their membership in the leadership of the Writers' Union. In the light of the previously mentioned orders.

However, you can't hide the most important ones at that time in the joint venture, otherwise it would have turned out that the Union did not work in the 37th. At the time of the shooting, the chairman of the joint venture was Mikhail Klimkovich, and his deputy was the poet Andrei Alexandrovich. A year later, Alexandrovich will be repressed, but he will get off with expulsion and will return to Minsk in 47.

Silan Gusev was the director of the Belarusian branch of the Literary Fund at that time. As a matter of duty, he knew the financial situation of the executed and exiled poets, as he distributed housing and assistance among the poets.

The editor of Lim all this time-from 35 to 41 was Ilya Gursky. It is not known whether he appreciated the talents of the repressed creators and whether he was sorry when the capable poets - authors of his newspaper were shot. The same can be said about Mikhail Kalachinsky, the executive secretary in Lima, and about Grigory Lynkov, who is working at this very time, for some reason, in this very position.

The editor-in-chief of the Flame of Revolution magazine was Mikhail Lynkov. The executive secretary is Makar Ivanovich

In the 37th Vasily Borisenko assumes the post of director of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, which he will hold for almost 30 years. Pavel Kovalev works in the Union. Vasily Vitko in the 37th moves from the Red shift to work in Lim. Interestingly, both Ognetvet, Vitka, and Volsky became children's writers after all this experience.

As for the Jewish poets who were shot, it is worth mentioning that Viktor Golovchiner works as the director of the State Jewish Theater in the 37th. He will become a People's Artist of the BSSR only after the war. The founder of the Belarusian Soviet theater Vladislav Golubok received the title of People's in the 28th. However, this does not prevent the shooting of the Pigeon on September 28, 1937.

And the Jewish section of the joint Venture is headed by Girsh Kamenetsky.

And two words about folk songs. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Yakub Kolas publishes a collection of poems "our days". And a member of the CEC of the BSSR, Yanka Kupala, is a collection of "Order-bearing Belarus". I understand that two national poets of the nation are driven into an unbearable situation, and one of them even tries to commit suicide. Probably ends up eventually. After all, to sit in the Stalinist presidium with Borjomi and realize that young people are being shot at these moments is exorbitant.

This is the answer to the question: Where were the people? People were at editorial tables and in the studio giving the floor at the microphone to writers and poets. Perhaps some of them did not know what makes up the human background in history, on which the Society of Dead Poets appears. However, those whom I named could not have not known. All of them held public positions, so to speak, and everyone, especially the employees of the joint venture, knew each of the executed well.

Dear sirs! For the information of the whole world, the laws of our country strictly prohibit the torture of cattle and people. However, this humane law by no means prohibits the so-called "intensive interrogation measures", which are used by us in order to expose an important political secret, a State crime, a political conspiracy and encroachment on high dignitaries. What are "intensive interrogation measures"? This is what we call, unlike ordinary ones, such tortures, which, with the greatest effectiveness, do not leave any traces on the human body. Not a single drop of the "patient's" blood should stain your starched cuffs, should not spill on the floor of the "intensive interrogation" room: no doctor with the most careful examination of a person who was lucky to get out of our hands should notice any trace of sustained "intensive" interrogation. Of course, this does not mean that a person remains as healthy after "intensive interrogation" as he was before. Invisible mental traumas in the form of annoying ideas, hallucinations of hysteria can remain for life.


Ноччу, ах, ноччу

Хтосьцi шапоча!

Голас прарочы…

«Ганьба, о, ганьба над намi,

Сорам сябруе з сынамi. 

Ныюць так раны.

Слёзным туманам

Засцяцца вочы.

Hi праўды святое, 

Нi волi тое.


Чужынцы, напасцi,

Пакута падзелам.

Па беламу целу

Знаком ад нажа

Крывавiць мяжа.

Толькi — не, Не пазбыць… Не мiне,

Чаму быць!


Мой дух не патух, Не пагас праз вякi,

Паходняю свецiць.

Пад хмараў павеццю

Гарыць i iскрыцца


На родных узлоннях

Натхнёная сiла

Мазольных далоняў

Разбiла, знiшчыла

Ярма ланцугi;

Спалiла, скрышыла

Урокi благiх.




Бывай, надзей сардэчны ўздым!

Бывайце, сны i слодыч веснаў!

I вы, снягi, завеi зiм!

На зломе дзвюх эпох злавесным,

У неспрыяльным ветры злым

Сваё жыццё прайшоў я чэсна:

Пясняр, змагар, бядняк праз век —

Быў перш за ўсё я чалавек!


Владимир Жилка



Алесь Дудар


Пасеклі Край наш папалам,

Каб панскай вытаргаваць ласкі.

Вось гэта – вам, а гэта – нам,

Няма сумлення ў душах рабскіх.


І цягнем мы на новы строй

Старую песню і чужую:

Цыгане шумнаю талпой

Па Бесарабіі качуюць...


За ўсходнім дэспатам-царком

Мы бегаем на задніх лапах,

Нью-Ёрку грозім кулаком

І Чэмберлена лаем трапна.


Засыплем шапкамі яго,

Ура, ура – патопім ў соплях.

А нас тым часам з году ў год

Тут прадаюць ўраздроб і оптам.


Мы не шкадуем мазалёў.

Мы за чужых праклёны роім,

Але без торгу і без слоў

Мы аддаем сваіх герояў.


Не смеем нават гаварыць

І думаць без крамлёўскай візы,

Без нас ўсё робяць махляры

Ды міжнародныя падлізы.


Распаўся б камень ад жальбы

Калі б ён знаў, як торг над намі

Вядуць маскоўскія рабы

З велікапольскімі панамі.


О, ганьба, ганьба! Ў нашы дні

Такі разлом, туга такая!

І баюць байкі баюны

Северо-Западного края...


Плююць на сонца і на дзень.

О, дух наш вольны, дзе ты, дзе ты?

Ім мураўёўскі б гальштук ўздзець,

Нашчадкам мураўёўскім гэтым...


Але яшчэ глушыце кроў.

Гарыць душа і час настане,

Калі з-за поля, з-за бароў

Па-беларуску сонца гляне.


Тады мы ў шэрагах сваіх,

Быць можа, шмат каго не ўбачым.

З тугою ў сэрцы ўспомнім іх,

Але ніколі не заплачам.


А дзень чырвоны зацвіце,

І мы гукнем яму: «Дабрыдзень».

І са шчытом ці на шчыце

Ў краіну нашу зноў мы прыйдзем.



Я не чакаў

І не гадаў,

Бо жыў з адкрытаю душою,

Што стрэне лютая бяда,

Падружыць з допытам,

З турмою.

Прадажных здрайцаў ліхвяры

Мяне заціснулі за краты.

Я прысягаю вам, сябры,

Мае палі,

Мае бары, —

Кажу вам — я не вінаваты!